Chandigarh News: According to information received from UT Administration, out of 6408 houses of 500 yards in City Beautiful Chandigarh Solar plants could be installed on the rooftops of only 1867 houses, whereas around 4500 houses had solar plants on their rooftops. Are yet to be installed.
Chandigarh News: Chandigarh administration prohibits installation of solar power plants on properties of more than 500 yards in the city. have been made mandatory but even after eight years have passed, there are a large number of houses in the city which 'Solar plants could not be installed there. On the other hand, UT administration is preparing to take action against those who do not install solar plants on their rooftops. Have drawn.
Now the estate department will send notices to those who do not install solar plants. This was revealed recently by Deputy Commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh, Chandigarh Renewable Energy. And in the meeting of Science and Technology Promotion Society (CRUST). In this meeting, Punjab Governor and UT Administrator Gulab Chand Kataria discussed about setting up solar plant. Some time was offered to the people who were pending in submitting the applications but the Deputy Commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh suggested not to give any additional time. After this, everyone put the final seal on the decision of not giving any more extra time to the people of the city.
Deputy Commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh said that buildings of property of 500 yards or more in the city. Concession will be given to those people who have already applied. Those who have not applied will not be given any additional time. Now notices will be issued to such persons by the estate office. On the orders of the Deputy Commissioner, the Estate Department has also started preparations for issuing notices to the people.
It is noteworthy that in the year 2016, the UT administration had banned all those having plots of 500 square yards or more in the city. Residential houses were made mandatory to install solar power systems to comply with building bylaws. Now it has been made mandatory for owners of plots of 250 square yards to install solar power plants in the city. Rajeev Verma, advisor to the UT Administrator, recently informed the Secretary of the Urban Planning Department about the building. Instructions were given to amend the bye-laws, after which the size of residential buildings will be reduced from 500 square yards. It was reduced to 250 square yards, but in the initial period, the UT administration allowed homeowners with 500 square yards. Strict action is being taken.
Solar plants installed on 1867 houses out of 6408 houses
According to the information received from UT Administration, out of 6408 houses of 500 yards in City Beautiful Chandigarh, Solar plants could be installed on the rooftops of only 1867 houses, whereas around 4500 houses had solar plants on their rooftops. Are yet to be installed.
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