The protest of BPSC candidates turned violent on Friday in Bihar's capital Patna. To control the situation, the police had to resort to lathicharge. When the famous coaching teacher Khan Sir got information about the lathicharge on the candidates, he also reached to join the protest of the candidates, but the police took him into custody.
Famous coaching operator Khan Sir, who was protesting among the BPSC candidates from across the state gathered in Patna, the capital of Bihar, was taken into custody by Patna Police late on Friday evening. However, Khan Sir and others were released after about an hour. In fact, when Khan Sir was taken into custody, he was protesting among the students and was listening to the students. Earlier, Khan Sir had clearly said that he is with the interest of the students and will not allow any other anti-social or mafia to enter this entire movement.
Khan Sir is very popular among the students in Patna who prepare for competitive exams. Khan Sir, who prepares for many competitive exams including BPSC, had expressed his opinion from the very beginning regarding the alleged adoption of normalization in the BPSC exam and stood with the students.
Khan Sir and Guru Rehman taken into custody
It is believed that to control the situation and maintain law and order, the local administration had detained Khan Sir along with student leader Dilip and another coaching operator Guru Rehman late Friday evening. The local police took all three of them inside the Gardani Bagh police station.
Khan Sir's name is counted among the big names in the world of coaching. Not only in Bihar but in the entire country, the number of people who know Khan Sir is very large. Khan Sir has participated on many platforms in the country and abroad. His coaching videos also keep going viral. He also has a huge number of subscribers on YouTube.
A large number of students had gathered in front of BPSC
According to the information given by Patna district administration late on Friday evening, a large number of candidates demonstrated in front of BPSC on Friday. During this, an attempt was made to disrupt public order. The situation was controlled by the police by using mild force. BPSC Patna had already made it clear that the process of normalization will not be implemented, yet the candidates demonstrated after being misled.
Student leader Dilip Kumar was arrested by Patna police
This demonstration of the candidates was completely based on rumours and was done under the influence of anti-social elements. Patna Police has registered a case against a student leader named Dilip Kumar for instigating the students and taking law and order in his own hands and has also arrested him. Now action is being taken to send Dilip Kumar to jail.
Khan Sir's name is counted among the big names in the world of coaching. Not only in Bihar but in the entire country, the number of people who know Khan Sir is very large. Khan Sir has participated on many platforms in the country and abroad. His coaching videos also keep going viral. He also has a huge number of subscribers on YouTube.
A large number of students had gathered in front of BPSC
According to the information given by Patna district administration late on Friday evening, a large number of candidates demonstrated in front of BPSC on Friday. During this, an attempt was made to disrupt public order. The situation was controlled by the police by using mild force. BPSC Patna had already made it clear that the process of normalization will not be implemented, yet the candidates demonstrated after being misled.
Student leader Dilip Kumar was arrested by Patna police
This demonstration of the candidates was completely based on rumours and was done under the influence of anti-social elements. Patna Police has registered a case against a student leader named Dilip Kumar for instigating the students and taking law and order in his own hands and has also arrested him. Now action is being taken to send Dilip Kumar to jail.
The district administration of Patna appeals to all the candidates to ignore rumours, not to be misled by anti-social elements and to focus only on the information issued by BPSC. Any information received from any other source should be cross-checked with the information provided by BPSC. Now, those who take law and order into their own hands will not be tolerated in any way.
What is normalization in BPSC? There is a ruckus about it
Ever since the word normalization has been added to the BPSC exam, the uproar has started. Now the question arises that what is the meaning of normalization applied in the BPSC exam? Due to which there is so much uproar. In simple words, in normalization, when the number of candidates appearing for the exam is very high, then the exam is conducted in two or more shifts.
When some candidates have scored less marks in a shift or their attempts in the question are also less, then that shift will be considered difficult by the commission. On the other hand, if more marks are scored in the second shift and there are more attempts, then this shift will be considered easy. Now after the implementation of normalization, the marks of difficult shifts will be increased according to the marks of easy shifts. There is so much ruckus about this. Candidates say that the more one knows general knowledge, the more he will answer. Normalization is not right in BPSC exam.
Tejashwi Yadav asked these 5 questions to Nitish government
At the same time, former Deputy Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Tejashwi Yadav targeted Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for lathi-charge on students. He also asked five questions to the Nitish government…
Is it difficult for him and his government of multi-party parties to establish a dialogue with the present and future of Bihar, the students of Bihar?
Is it against the dignity of the Commission to give clarification?
Is it impossible to acknowledge the server glitch and provide the opportunity to fill out the form again?
Is it unfair to demand a paper leak and malpractice free examination?
Seeing the attitude of the Commission and the Government, should the candidates assume that this examination is merely a formality?
Akhilesh Yadav targeted the coalition government of Bihar
Seeing the protests of students in Bihar, former UP Chief Minister and SP chief Akhilesh Yadav also targeted BJP. He said that we are repeating again that jobs are not in the agenda of BJP. Be it Uttar Pradesh or Bihar or the whole country. Wherever there are BJP governments, there is a similar pattern. Sometimes double shift, double day, sometimes in the name of normalization, sometimes by messing up the server, sometimes by leaking the paper, sometimes by changing the copy, sometimes by cancelling reservation, sometimes by stopping the result or sometimes by dragging the result to the court, BJP people hamper every way of getting a job.
BJP wants to give every work on contract- Akhilesh Yadav
Akhilesh Yadav said that BJP does not have any intention of giving jobs. It wants to give every work on contract so that it can collect money from the contractors. The jobs that are the right of the youth have become a victim of BJP's corruption. A hidden agenda behind gradually ending government jobs is to kill reservation, because reservation does not apply in contracting.
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