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Land, sky, sea... Israel controls everywhere, yet why is Gaza out of reach?

Gaza is surrounded by Israel on two sides while it has the sea to the west and Egypt to the south. The entire area of ​​Gaza is divided into five cities. The total population of Gaza is 21 lakh. Hamas has been in control of Gaza Strip since 2007. Since the arrival of Hamas, bloody conflict has increased here.

The Israeli army has been bombing the Gaza Strip since Hamas's 'surprise attack' on October 7. After the bombing, now the Israeli army is also going to start ground operations. It is being told that one lakh Israeli soldiers have surrounded the Gaza Strip from three sides.

On Monday last week, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant ordered the army to impose a 'complete siege' of the Gaza Strip. He also said that the supply of food, electricity and fuel to the Gaza Strip would be stopped.

Not only this, last week Israel had asked 11 lakh people to leave Northern Gaza in 24 hours. The Israeli army is raining leaflets from the sky. In this, people have been asked to leave Northern Gaza and go to Southern Gaza.

What does siege mean? Last Monday, Israel had talked about a complete siege of the Gaza Strip. This meant cutting off electricity, water, food and fuel from the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza Strip is dependent on Israel for electricity. Most of the electricity comes from Israel only. Some is produced in power plants in the Gaza Strip, but the fuel for that comes from Israel.

According to a report, Israel has asked three lakh soldiers to be ready for a ground attack on the Gaza Strip. One lakh soldiers have even surrounded it from three sides. Israel last did this in 2014.

Not only this, Israel has also shut down the internet in Gaza Strip. Internet connectivity in Gaza Strip has been reduced since the day of the attack.

Where is Gaza Strip?

On the Mediterranean Sea. Gaza Strip is 41 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide. This is one of the two areas of Palestine. The second area is the West Bank.

It takes an hour to reach Beit Hanoun in the north from Rafah, the southern end of the Gaza Strip.

The strip is divided into five cities – Northern Gaza, Gaza City, Deir al-Balah, Khan Yunis and Rafah. Gaza is surrounded by Israel on two sides. To its west is the sea and to its south is Egypt.

'The world's largest open prison'

In July 2010, the then British Prime Minister David Cameron compared the Gaza Strip to a 'prison'. He had described it as the world's largest 'open jail'.

The population of Gaza Strip is 23 lakh. This is the most densely populated area in the world. More than five and a half thousand people live here within a radius of every one kilometer. Whereas, in Israel there are 400 people living in every kilometer.

Most of the Palestinian refugees are settled in Gaza. These are Muslims. There is also some population of Christians. 65 percent of the population is young, but most of them do not have any employment. The unemployment rate in Gaza Strip is 46 percent, which is the highest in the world.

Land, sea, sky... Israel is under siege

Israel has reportedly laid siege here for years. Permission is also required before entering or leaving the Gaza Strip.

If a person living in Gaza Strip wants to go to Israel or Egypt even for a medical emergency, he has to take permission, which is difficult to obtain.

Israel captured the Gaza Strip after the Six Day War in 1967. But in the year 2005 he withdrew his control. In 2006, Hamas won the elections against the Fatah party that runs the Palestine Authority. In 2007, Hamas completely captured the Gaza Strip. Fatah party runs the government in the West Bank.

However, despite this the Israeli army has control here. It is said that Israel has control over the land, sea and sky of Gaza Strip.

The current border of the Gaza Strip was decided in the agreement between Israel and Egypt in 1949. Egypt used to control Gaza Strip till 1967.

After the arrival of Hamas, the bloody conflict increased significantly here. The Israeli army has launched at least six major attacks since 2005 to respond to Hamas attacks. Among these, the 2014 attack was the most dangerous. It is said that more than two thousand people were killed in the Israeli attacks that lasted for about seven weeks.

Israel wants to capture Northern Gaza!

The aim of the Israeli army is to take complete control over northern Gaza. Four lakh people live in northern Gaza. The adjacent Gaza City has a population of more than seven lakhs.

Israel wants to capture northern Gaza because Hamas has its center in this city. United Nations refugee camps are also here.

Israel had given an ultimatum to the Palestinians to vacate Northern Gaza. This is so that after the people leave, they can carry out bombings and ground attacks on Hamas positions here.

How is the situation in Gaza Strip?

According to the United Nations, the Israeli army's bombardment from sea, sky and land continues in the Gaza Strip.

So far, more than 2300 Palestinian civilians have been killed in these attacks. Whereas, more than 1300 people have died in Israel. More than 10 lakh people have been displaced after the ultimatum of the Israeli army.

The United Nations said that the situation in the Gaza Strip is so bad that even body bags are not available to pack the dead bodies.

Even drinking water is not available. The situation is such that a person is getting only one liter of water in a day. To quench their thirst, people are forced to drink dirty water from wells.

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